
Posture-dependent trunk function data are important for appropriate normalization of submaximal trunk exertions, and is also necessary to define a more precise and specific use for strength testing in the prevention and diagnosis of spinal disorders. The aim of the current study was to quantify maximal effort trunk muscle extensor activity and trunk isometric extension torque over a functional range of sagittal standing postures. Twenty healthy, young adult male and female subjects performed isometric extension tasks over a sagittal posture range of –20° extension to +50° flexion, in 10° increments. Erector spinae muscle activity was recorded bilaterally at the level of L3 using surface EMG electrodes. Isometric trunk extension torque was measured using a trunk dynamometer. EMG and trunk torque differed significantly between genders, but there were no differences between male and female subjects when the data were normalized with respect to the upright posture. For the combined male and female population, upright posture normalized L3 EMG activity (EMG n) and trunk extension torque (T n) increased 1.7-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively, over the 70° range of sagittal postures examined. The ratio (T n/EMG n) increased two-fold (0.83 to 1.67) from –20° extension to +50° flexion, indicating that the neuromuscular efficiency increases with flexion. Trunk extension torque normalized with respect to the upright posture was linearly and positively correlated ( r=0.59, P<0.001) to similarly normalized L3 EMG activity. This relatively weak correlation suggests that trunk muscle synergism and/or intrinsic muscle length-tension relationships are also modulated by posture. This study provides data that can be used to estimate trunk extensor muscle function over a broad range of sagittal postures. Our findings indicate that appropriate postural normalization of trunk extensor EMG activity is necessary for studies where submaximal trunk exertions are performed over a range of upright postures.

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