
In this paper, the postural synergy configuration subspace given by the fundamental eigengrasps of the UB Hand IV is derived from experiments, and a simplified synergy-based strategy for planning grasps is proposed. The objectives of this work are, on one side, the simplification of grasp synthesis in a configuration space of reduced dimensions and, on the other side, the attainment of a human-like behavior for anthropomorphic hands. A reference set of 36 hand postures, chosen with the goal of covering the entire grasp variety referring to a recently proposed taxonomy, has been considered for the evaluation of the hand synergies. With the aim of defining general properties of the three predominant synergies, the reference set of hand postures has been applied to other two anthropomorphic robot hands, and the obtained synergies have been compared with the ones computed considering the UB Hand IV kinematics. Moreover, the synthesis of new grasps, not contained in the reference set of hand postures, has also been achieved by means of the synergy subspace. The experiments carried out demonstrate that the adopted synergy-based planning method works efficiently for all the considered grasps even if not contained in the reference set used for the evaluation of the postural synergies.

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