
We checked on the supposition that the magnitude of postural reactions to an unexpected postural disturbance in upright stance in humans can be determined to a considerable extent by the level of background stiffness in the ankle joints. For this purpose, we estimated changes in the joint stiffness under different conditions of visual control; these values were estimated within the period of background body oscillations (i.e., before the beginning of a compensatory motor reaction) and compared with those in the course of postural reactions evoked by vibrational stimulation of the ankle (shin) muscles. Experiments were carried where the subjects stood with open and closed eyes (OE and CE, respectively) and while standing wearing spectacles with frosted glass passing only diffuse light (DL). In the course of the tests, the subjects stood in the usual comfortable vertical position (hereafter, standard stance) or in the same position but with the possibility to lightly touch an immobile object by a finger (stance with additional support). Such technique was used to weaken the effects of CE and DL on background sways of the body and to lead these sways close to the level typical of OE conditions. The joint stiffness was estimated using an approach based on frequency filtration of oscillations of the center of pressure of the feet (CPF) that allowed us to select signals proportional to displacements of the total center of gravity (CG) of the body and to calculate the difference between oscillations of the CPF and CG (a CPF-CG variable). The CPF-CG variable is proportional to the horizontal acceleration of the CG and, therefore, can be used for estimation of the changes in stiffness in the ankle joints. Under conditions of standard stance, the usual conditions rather similarly influenced both variables (CG and CPF-CG) in the course of both background body oscillations and a postural response. The examined variables were the greatest under CE conditions, decreased under conditions of perception of DL, and became smallest with OE. At standing with additional support, the dependence of the examined variables on visual conditions disappeared within the period of background body oscillations (before the beginning of postural reactions). In this case, the magnitude of oscillations of the CPF-CG variable under CE and DL conditions decreased to the level observed at standing under OE conditions. The magnitude of CG displacements induced by vibrational stimulations of the muscles remained, nevertheless, clearly dependent on visual conditions (the same regularities were observed as in the case of standing with no additional support). Thus, our findings demonstrate that the correlation between the characteristics of postural reactions in the upright stance and the level of ankle joint stiffness is not single-valued.

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