
This paper deals with the issue of activities of international committees for the protection of human rights, which are created by universal treaties for the protection of human rights, such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Convention Against Torture, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and other. The committees have jurisdiction to consider reports of the States Parties on the implementation of a relevant international treaty by which they were created. Also, the procedures of inter-state and individual communications are significant. Certain conditions of the admissibility of a communication, which are almost identical for every committee, should be fulfilled. Before initiating an international procedure State Party has the opportunity to remedy all the negative consequences that were caused by the violation of human rights and for that reason all available national legal remedies should be used. Also, the communications have to be compatible with the relevant convention, which means that individual has to address the right envisaged by the convention. In the procedures before a committee, the facts are investigated and the committee gives a decision or the opinion whether certain human rights had been violated. During the procedure interim measures could be ordered to prevent irreparable harm for the applicant. Decisions of the committees are not binding; however they influence a state to respect human rights of individuals in its jurisdiction. If the decisions were binding that would significantly contribute to the efficiency of the human rights protection before the committees. For that to happen, there should be explicit consent of the State Parties and the treaties, by which the committees are created, should be modified.


  • Ovo je bi­la pr­va ta­kva nor­ma u me­đu­na­rod­nim ugo­vo­ri­ma i po­slu­ži­la je kao pri­mer dru­gim me­đu­na­rod­ nim prav­nim in­stru­men­ti­ma iz obla­sti ljud­skih pra­va, kao što su Fa­kul­ta­tiv­ni pro­to­kol uz Me­đu­na­rod­ni pakt o gra­đan­skim i po­li­tič­kim pra­vi­ma, Kon­ven­ci­ja pro­tiv tor­tu­re i dru­gog okrut­nog, ne­hu­ma­nog i po­ni­ža­va­ju­ćeg po­stu­pa­nja ili ka­ žnja­va­nja i Fa­kul­ta­tiv­ni pro­to­kol uz Kon­ven­ci­ju o eli­mi­ni­sa­nju svih ob­li­ka dis­kri­ mi­na­ci­je že­na

  • Na­i­me, član 14 Kon­ven­ci­je o eli­mi­ni­ sa­nju svih ob­li­ka ra­sne dis­kri­mi­na­ci­je go­vo­ri o po­je­din­ci­ma, ili gru­pa­ma po­je­di­ na­ca ko­ji tvr­de da su žr­tve kr­še­nja,[51] dok se u Fa­kul­ta­tiv­nom pro­to­ko­lu uz Pakt o gra­đan­skim i po­li­tič­kim pra­vi­ma i Kon­ven­ci­ji pro­tiv tor­tu­re go­vo­ri sa­mo o po­je­ din­ci­ma

  • Pra­vi­la po­stup­ka Ko­mi­te­ta za ljud­ska pra­va (Ru­les of Pro­ce­du­re of the Hu­man Rights Com­mit­tee, CCPR/C/3/Rev.[10], Ja­nu­ary 2012) Pra­vi­la po­stup­ka Ko­mi­te­ta pro­tiv tor­tu­re (Ru­les of Pro­ce­du­re of the Com­mit­tee aga­inst tor­tu­re, CAT/C/3/Rev.[5], Fe­bru­ary 2011) Pra­vi­la po­stup­ka Ko­mi­te­ta za uki­da­nje ra­sne dis­kri­mi­na­ci­je (Ru­les of Pro­ce­du­re of the Com­mit­tee on the Eli­mi­na­tion of Ra­cial Di­scri­mi­na­tion, CERD/C/ 35/Rev. 3, Ja­nu­ary 1989) Pra­vi­la po­stup­ka Ko­mi­te­ta za eli­mi­ni­sa­nje dis­kri­mi­na­ci­je že­na (Ru­les of Pro­ce­du­re of the Com­mit­tee on the Eli­mi­na­tion of Di­scri­mi­na­tion aga­inst Wo­men, A/56/38, amen­ded by A/62/38)

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Ko­mi­tet ne­će raz­ma­tra­ti ni­jed­nu pred­stav­ku ako se isto pi­ta­nje već raz­ma­tra u po­stup­ku pred ne­kim dru­gim me­đu­na­rod­nim or­ga­nom za is­pi­ti­va­nje ili re­ša­va­nje, ako po­je­di­nac ni­je is­cr­peo sva ras­po­lo­ži­va unu­tra­šnja prav­na sred­stva, ako pred­ stav­ka pred­sta­vlja zlo­u­po­tre­bu pra­va na pod­no­še­nje ta­kvih pred­stav­ki ili uko­li­ko je ona ne­spo­ji­va sa od­red­ba­ma Pak­ta.[20]

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