
Previous reviews of the PTSD and cigarette smoking literature showed high PTSD-smoking comorbidity and problematic smoking outcomes (Feldner etal., 2007, Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 14-45; Fu etal., 2007, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 9, 1071-1084). However, past reviews also noted several prominent gaps in the literature, including a lack of etiological work examining underlying mechanisms and research on specialized PTSD-smoking treatments. The present review summarizes an extensive body of research conducted since the previous reviews targeting these areas of need. Literature searches identified 66 empirical studies specific to smoking and PTSD. Smokers were approximately twice more likely to have PTSD than nonsmokers in the general population, and individuals with PTSD were approximately twice as likely to be current smokers. Smokers with PTSD evidenced more negative affect, trauma history, and comorbid psychiatric history, as well as quit attempts and higher relapse rates. PTSD symptoms were associated with expectations that smoking would reduce negative affect, which, in turn, was associated with increased smoking rate and nicotine dependence. Male sex was associated with nicotine dependence and PTSD avoidance, while the relationship between PTSD and smoking relapse due to withdrawal was stronger in females. Specialized, integrated PTSD and smoking cessation treatments showed promise in increasing quit success relative to standard care in randomized trials. Rates of PTSD-smoking co-occurrence remain high. Notable gains have been made in relevant epidemiological and etiological research, although more work is needed in trauma-specific subpopulations. Several promising specialized treatments for comorbid smoking-PTSD have been developed and empirically tested but require replication.

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