
This study examined trauma history and posttraumatic stress in a sample of 30 adolescents and young adults with HIV/AIDS, recruited from December 14, 2004 through May 3, 2005. Overall, participants reported a mean of 5.63 traumatic events, with 93% of the sample reporting that receiving a diagnosis of HIV was experienced as traumatic. Of these, 13.3% met criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV diagnosis, while an additional 20% showed significant post-traumatic stress symptoms. Even greater rates of posttraumatic stress were reported in response to other trauma, with 47% of youth surveyed reporting symptoms of posttraumatic stress in response to such traumatic events as being a victim of a personal attack, sexual abuse, or being abandoned by a caregiver. These findings may inform professionals about the potential impact of the HIV diagnosis on adolescents and young adults, particularly as this may impact participation in medical care and need for mental health support.

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