
Periodical forest fires are typical natural events under the environmental and climatic conditions of central and southern Yakutia and Transbaikal region of Russia. Strong surface fires activate exogenous geomorphological processes. As a result, soils with polycyclic profiles are developed in the trans-accumulative landscape positions. These soils are specified by the presence of two–three buried humus horizons with abundant charcoal under the modern humus horizon. This indicates that these soils have been subjected to two–three cycles of zonal pedogenesis during their development. The buried pyrogenic humus horizons accumulate are enriched in humus; nitrogen; total and oxalate-extractable iron; exchangeable bases (Са+2 and Mg+2); and the fractions of coarse silt, physical clay (<0.01 mm), and clay (<0.001 mm) particles in comparison with the neighboring mineral horizons of the soil profile. The humus of buried pyrogenic horizons is characterized by the increased content of humic acids, particularly, those bound with mobile sesquioxides (HA-1) and calcium (HA-2) and by certain changes in the type of humus.

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