
OZET Arastirma, postpartum ilk 24 saatte, 2. ve 4. haftalarda gorulen yorgunluk duzeylerinin ve uyku ile beslenmenin yorgunluga etkisinin incelenmesi amaciyla tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Arastirmaya; komplikasyonsuz vajinal dogum yapmis, tek ve canli bir bebege sahip, herhangi bir kronik hastaligi olmayan, hemoglobin, hemotokrit duzeyleri normal sinirlarda olan olasiliksiz orneklem yontemi ile secilen 50 anne alinmistir. Arastirma ilk 24 saatte; Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Hastanesi Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Servisinde; 2. ve 4. haftalarda annelerin evlerinde yurutulmustur. Verilerin toplanmasinda, kadinlarin sosyodemografik ozelliklerini ve gebelik oykusunu belirleyen soru formu; yorgunlugu belirlemeye yonelik hazirlanmis Yorgunluk Icin Gorsel Benzerlik Skalasi kullanilmistir. Ilk 24 saatte, ve 4. haftalarda yorgunluk olceginden alinan puanlarin degerlendirilmesinde tekrarli olcumlerde tek yonlu varyans analizi; beslenme, uyku ile yorgunluk ve enerji arasindaki iliskinin degerlendirilmesinde Mann-Whitney U testi kullanilmistir. Annelerin yorgunluk alt olceginden ilk 24 saatte almis olduklari puan ortalamasi 5.09; haftada 4.31; 4. haftada 4.4S; enerji alt olceginden ilk 24 saatte 2.50; 2.haftada 2.81; 4. haftada 2.82 olarak tespit edilmistir. Annelerin ilk 24 saatte 2. haftaya gore yorgunluklarinin yuksek oldugu saptanmistir (p 0.05). Ilk 24 saat. 2. ve 4. haftada uyku ile yorgunluk arasinda anlamli bir fark bulunamamistir (p>0.05). Anahtar Kelimeler: Postpartum donem, postpartum yorgunluk, uyku, beslenme. ABSTRACT Postpartum Level with The Effect of Sleep and Nutrition on The The research is a descriptive study planned with the purpose of examining faligue levels in postpartum the first 24 hours and the 2nd and 4th weeks and the effect of sleep and nourishment on the fatigue. The sampling of the research was constituted 50 mothers who were selected by improbability sampling method and who experienced a normal vaginal delivery without any complication, had a single and alive infant, did not have any ehronic illness, and whose hemoglobin and hemotokrit levels were within a normal range. The study was contacted at Dokuz Eylul University Hospital, Women Diseases and Delivery Service in the first 24 hours after delivery and at mothers’ houses in the 2nd and 4th weeks. in data collection, a auestionnaire form determining the sociodemographic characteristics and gesiation history ofv/omen and the Visual Similarity Scale for Fatigue directed towards determining the fatigue were used. One-way variance (ANOVA) in repeated measures was used in the evaluation of the scores that were obtainedfrom the fatigue scale for the first 24 hours and for the 2nd and 4th weeks Mann-Whitney U test was employed in the evaluation of the relationship between nourishment, sleep andfatigue and energy. The mean score of mothers in the fatigue subscale was 5.09 for the first 24 hours, 4.31 for the 2 week, and 4.48 for the 4 week whereas their mean score in the energy subscale was 2.50 for the first 24 hours, 2.81 for the 2* week, and 2.82 for the 4,h week. It was detected that the fatigue of mothers was higher in the first 24 hours Ihan that of the 2nd and 4th weeks (p 0.05). In addition, the difference between sleep and fatigue was not significant for the first 24 hours. the 2nd week, and the 4th week (p>0.05). Keywords: Postpartum period, postpartum fatigue, sleep, nutrition.

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