
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure focus on removing the leiomyomas from the uterine cavity, these fibroids is growth that noncancerous nature manifest in uterus. Post-operative nursing care includes a set of activities and interventions that the nurse performed towards the patient after leaving the operating room, the aim of this study is to evaluate postoperative nursing care practices towards patients undergoing to myomectomy. Observational study carried out in five hospitals at Babylon governorate in order to evaluate post-operative nursing care in surgical maternal wards by observe the practices of nursing staff in this wards, 103 nurse were chosen as a sample for this study from the morning and night duties in the hospitals of Babylon province. The results of this study indicated the majority of nurse with age group less than 30 years’ old, more of them with secondary nursing school, work in morning shift and no attendance to any training session regarding the nursing care in postoperative phase through the period of working in hospitals. As well as, the results showed the majority of nurses with poor practice regarding the aspect of postoperative nursing care for patient underwent to surgery for removing uterine fibroids.

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