
Current cataract surgery guidelines recommend routine use of topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in preventing pseudophakic cystoid macular oedema (PCME). Here, we compare the clinical efficacy and tolerability of two potent NSAIDs, nepafenac and preservative-free diclofenac following cataract surgery. Randomized, double-blind, prospective single-centre study. Ninety-six eyes of 95 patients undergoing routine cataract surgery were randomized 1:1 either to nepafenac (Nevanac, 1mg/ml) or diclofenac (Dicloabak, 1mg/ml) for 3weeks. Seventy-three patients accounting for 73 eyes completed the entire follow-up. Aqueous flare and central retinal thickness (CRT) analysis were conducted preoperatively and at control visits 28days and 3months after surgery. A structured home questionnaire and interview were used to record any adverse effects of the topical medications, subjective visual recovery and the dispenser's ease of use. No differences were observed between the groups for aqueous flare, CRT, speed of recovery or visual acuity gain. Seven patients (16%) on nepafenac and 20 patients (48%) on preservative-free diclofenac reported symptoms related to topical use of NSAID medications (p=0.001). No differences in clinical efficacy were found between potent NSAIDs, while tolerability might be an issue.

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