
Over a period of 10 years, five children developed postoperative intussusception after intra-abdominal procedures at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Two appendectomies, one ileal resection for a Meckel's diverticulum, one operative procedure for Hirschsprung's disease plus intestinal neuronal dysplasia type B, and one hiatoplasty with jejunostomy preceded the intussusception. Three of the five children were older than 2 years. The clinical symptoms consisted primarily of abdominal distension, diffuse abdominal pain, bilious vomiting, and rectal bleeding in one case. Preoperative diagnosis was achieved in four cases by abdominal ultrasound. Plain abdominal radiographs demonstrated dilated loops of small intestine with air-fluid levels in four of the five cases. In the case without radiographic findings, the jejunojejunal intussusception was missed even by a bowel follow-through. The intussusceptions were ileocolic (3), ileoileal (1), and jejunojejunal (1). A hydrostatic procedure to reduce an ileocolic intussusception was not successful. Operative treatment of the intussusception was performed in three cases within 5 days, once at 32 days, and once 3 months after the primary operation, in all cases by laparatomy and simple manual reduction without intestinal resection. In contrast to idiopathic intussusception, noninvasive hydrostatic procedures are not indicated in postoperative intussusception, since protection of intestinal anastomoses from hydrostatic pressure and exclusion of other causes of postoperative ileus are mandatory.

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