
Since nitric oxide has a role in the refinement of the retinal projection to the superior colliculus (SC), we studied the onset of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) expression in the mouse SC in order to compare its development with that of the refinement process. Sections from animals at ages P1, P5, P8, P11, P15, and P21 and adults were examined with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry or immunocytochemistry using an antibody directed against nNOS. At all ages there was a wedge of labeled neurons in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray extending into the deep layers of the SC. At P1 there was also a single superficial band of labeled neurons within the region that will become the intermediate gray layer (IGL). By P5, labeled neurons were also seen in what will become the superficial gray layer. There was a ventral to dorsal progression in nNOS expression with substantial changes in the numbers of labeled neurons in the different laminae between P5 and adulthood. The number of labeled neurons in the IGL peaked at P15, whereas in the superficial layers the numbers continued to increase through P21 and then declined in adults. At all ages these neurons represented a variety of morphological cell types. The onset of nNOS expression in the different laminae is earlier than has been reported in studies using NADPHd as a marker for nNOS. The temporal and spatial patterns of nNOS expression reported here match more closely the time course of pathway refinement in the SC, providing additional evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide in this process.

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