
In modern society, the requirements for the quality of implementation of the competency-based approach in various fields of activity are increasing. First of all, this requirement remains relevant for such an important and necessary sphere of life support as medicine. Today, as never before, the acute problem is the training of highly qualified medical personnel who will be able in the future to provide highly qualified, high-tech medical care that meets the current level of development of medical science and technology. Being a private branch of medicine, psychiatry reflects the laws of development of the formation, dynamics, pathomorphism of mental disorders, and also addresses the issues of therapy and prevention of the latter. It should be noted that the modern concept of medicine pays great attention to the formation of the specialty "general practitioner", where the specialist in his work often contacts with patients with a psychiatric and narcological profile. The above and many other circumstances indicate a lack of psychiatric knowledge and the need for increased hours of teaching psychiatry in medical higher educational institutions, in more intensive postgraduate medical training of psychiatry specialists, including general practitioners.

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