
Aesthetic surgery forms an important part of the curriculum for training in plastic surgery; however, exposure to patients with cosmetic problems is limited in the NHS. Traditionally, training in cosmetic surgery has been obtained by doing fellowships near the end of training, which commonly last for three months. The Royal College of Surgeons has also started specialised courses in aesthetic surgery, including cadaveric dissection. To deal with the problem of limited training in aesthetic surgery the University of London has established a diploma course in aesthetic surgery to provide a core curriculum for surgeons. It targets established surgeons and surgical or medical trainees and leads to a postgraduate degree from the University of London—PGDipAesSurg. Qualification requirements for the course are MB BS and part 2 membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) or equivalent. The course is a two year, part time, web based distance learning programme starting in October. It consists of structured distance e-learning, DVD or …

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