
The western North American complex of spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) exhibits isolation-by-distance, genetic subdivision, and speciation in association with its extensive northward range shift in postglacial times. The southern relict populations of R. pretiosa species B existing at high altitudes or in desert springs have been subjected to restricted gene flow, high inbreeding, and bottlenecks to produce significant between-population genetic diversity. The more recently established northern populations, however, show genetic uniformity and isolation-by-distance, as estimated using Slatkin's (1993) statistic M̂. Middle latitude populations have higher heterozygosities than populations at either extreme. Fixed differences in allozyme variation separate 21 populations of species B from five populations of R. pretiosa species A found in southwest Washington State and the Cascades Mountains of Oregon. Morphological variation of 20 metric characters among 38 samples, examined using multiple discriminant function analysis, could partially resolve partitioning among populations but specimens from the vicinity of the type series of R. p. pretiosa could not be assigned to either species A or species B. Speciation in these frogs may not be correlated with morphological evolution since comparatively neutral allozyme changes may be established more rapidly than changes in morphology.

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