
Loss and degradation of native grasslands on the North American landscape are some of the key factors influencing population declines of grassland songbirds. It is unclear what role anthropogenic grasslands play in the conservation of grassland specialists and whether demographic parameters of grassland songbirds differ between anthropogenic and native grasslands. Furthermore, there has been little research examining the overlap (or lack thereof) between nesting and post-fledging habitat. We initiated a radio-telemetry study from 2004 to 2008 on dispersal, microhabitat use, and survival of juvenile Sprague’s pipits ( Anthus spragueii), a threatened grassland-obligate songbird, in native pastures and fields planted with exotic species (planted grasslands). Dispersal distance was greater in planted compared to native grasslands, but appeared to be constrained to natal fields up to 26-d post-fledging. Pipits used microhabitats in planted grasslands with vegetation that was on average 11 cm taller than used locations in native pastures, possibly due to the rapid growth of planted vegetation by the time individuals fledged. Individuals that were reared in planted grasslands had consistently lower daily survival rates compared to those in native pastures. Our observation that young birds rarely left their natal field suggests that conserving nesting habitat in native pastures would be an effective management strategy for this species. However, our results suggest that planted grasslands may act as population sinks given the lower survival of juvenile pipits reared in planted fields in our region. Demographic studies during the post-fledging period are essential to determine the conservation value of anthropogenic grasslands for North American songbirds.

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