
Poster 1. Assessing ° ood risk for canals Robert Arrowsmith British Waterways, Brindley Suite, Willow Grange, Church Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD17 4QA, UK British Waterways manages 3000 km of canal and river navigations. A methodology for estimating ®ood risk in canals has been developed over the last three years. Flood risk is assessed in two stages. Initial screening uses estimates of catchment in®ow derived from ®ood-studies report (FSR) methods. If the ®ood risk is above a threshold value a more detailed assessment is undertaken using the Flood estimation handbook, following a detailed on-site assessment of the catchment and canal. For both stages all ®ows into the canal are estimated, together with the potential for out®ow over ®ood weirs, etc. The inherent storage within the canal is also taken into account. The methodology provides a basis for prioritizing engineering works to improve the level of protection for the canal. The methodology is ®exible enough to allow changes in ®ood risk to be incorporated as the e¬ects of climate change are better understood.

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