
Study Design Case report Objective Syndromic multi-suture craniosynostosis can result in complex dysmorphology and increased intracranial pressure. We present a case report of a child with craniometaphyseal dysplasia and syndromic multi-suture craniosynostosis who presented with increased intracranial pressure, ventriculomegaly and Chiari deformity Type 1. Methods The child underwent a posterior vault distraction to increase the intracranial volume. Results The posterior cranial expansion was successful in correcting the craniocerebral disproportion caused by multi-suture synostosis, and resolved the high intracranial pressure and papilloedema. There were no post-operative complications. Conclusions Posterior cranial vault distraction was an effective method of addressing increased intracranial pressure by correcting craniocerebral disproportion by increasing intracranial volume and also addressing the Chiari Type I deformity that resulted from syndromic multi-suture craniosynostosis in a child with craniometaphyseal dysplasia.

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