
Massive intraventricular hemorrhage due to aneurysmal rupture is associated with a dismal prognosis. An intraventricular clot causing fourth ventricle dilation can cause compression to the brainstem similar to other posterior fossa masses such as cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction. The presence of fourth ventricle dilation carries a very high risk of death within 48 hours. Neither ventricular drainage nor fibrinolytic infusion has been successful in eliminating clots of the fourth ventricle. Posterior fossa decompression and direct evacuation of the clot could have good results in relieving brainstem compression caused by the clot. A 45-year-old woman was admitted to our intensive care unit after experiencing an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. The neurological examination at admission revealed that she was in Grade V according to the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons grading system, but brainstem reflexes were present. Computed tomographic scanning revealed a massive intraventricular hemorrhage, with fourth ventricle dilation caused by an intraventricular clot. Bilateral external ventricular drains were placed to relieve elevated intracranial pressure. Cerebral angiography revealed a 1-cm basilar tip aneurysm, which was embolized with Guglielmi detachable coils (Boston Scientific, Boston, MA) during the same procedure. Given the patient's poor neurological condition, it was decided that brainstem compression should be relieved. A posterior fossa decompressive craniectomy was performed immediately after coil therapy, with direct evacuation of the intraventricular clot. The patient experienced a clear improvement in the level of consciousness and has achieved a good neurological result at early follow-up. Dilation of the fourth ventricle by an intraventricular clot is a sign of brainstem compression that can be relieved by posterior fossa decompression and direct clot evacuation.

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