
This operative video demonstrates a posterior cervical laminoplasty for the resection of a cervical intradural extramedullary meningioma. In addition, the natural history, treatment options, and potential complications are discussed. The patient is a 68-yr-old male who presented with left-hand grip weakness and paresthesias. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated an enhancing mass that displacing the spinal cord anteriorly and causing severe flattening of the cord at C4 and C5. The patient underwent a posterior cervical laminoplasty for tumor resection. Removal of the dorsal elements with a high-speed drill was performed at C3, C4, and C5. A midline durotomy was performed and a large extra-axial intradural tumor was encountered. The tumor was resected en bloc and specimens were sent for permanent pathological analysis. The dura was closed in a watertight fashion using 6-0 Prolene sutures. The laminoplasty was performed by using titanium miniplates and screws to reconstruct the dorsal bony elements, and the wound was closed in layers using sutures. There were no complications. Final pathology was consistent with a WHO grade I meningioma. Postoperative MRI demonstrated gross total resection. The patient's perioperative course was uncomplicated and his preoperative weakness completely resolved by time of discharge.

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