
Prominent ear deformity is a common congenital ear deformity. Prominent ear deformity includes components such as valgus of concha, failure of scaphal folding, conchal hypertrophy, and prominent lobule. The deformity and the elastic properties of the ear cartilage determine the method of surgical correction in each case. Concha-mastoid suture, conchal excision, and posterior auricular muscle excision are different treatment options for mild to severe cases of conchal hypertrophy and valgus deformity. In this article we present a method of conchal excision, combined with a posterior auricular muscle flap, to repair severe conchal hypertrophy or valgus deformity. Six patients (11 ears) were operated on using this method. The results obtained were satisfactory. Postoperative results at 6 months were satisfactory in all patients. The smoothness and the natural appearance of the conchal bowls were notable in all patients. In contrast to the early methods of utilizing the posterior auricular muscle by transposing to the scapha or excising, its usage as a muscle flap for conchal hypertrophy and valgus deformity may be a promising option for the future.

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