
Central complex modules in the postembryonic brain of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria are enveloped by Repo-positive/glutamine-synthetase-positive astrocyte-like glia. Such cells constitute Rind-Neuropil Interface glia. We have investigated the postembryonic development of these glia and their anatomical relationship to axons originating from the w, x, y, z tract system of the pars intercerebralis. Based on glutamine synthetase immunolabeling, we have identified four morphological types of cells: bipolar type 1 glia delimit the central body but only innervate its neuropil superficially; monopolar type 2 glia have a more columnar morphology and direct numerous gliopodia into the neuropil where they arborize extensively; monopolar type 3 glia are found predominantly in the region between the noduli and the central body and have a dendritic morphology and their gliopodia project deeply into the central body neuropil where they arborize extensively; multipolar type 4 glia link the central body neuropil with neighboring neuropils of the protocerebrum. These glia occupy type-specific distributions around the central body. Their gliopodia develop late in embryogenesis, elongate and generally become denser during subsequent postembryonic development. Gliopodia from putatively type 3 glia within the central body have been shown to lie closely apposed to individual axons of identified columnar fiber bundles from the w, x, y, z tract system of the central complex. This anatomical association might offer a substrate for neuron/glia interactions mediating postembryonic maturation of the central complex.

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