
BACKGROUND:Dissociative Trance Disorder is uncommon, particularly in the eastern part of the world. Complexity and uniqueness of the symptoms, triggers, as well as the management strategy of this disease, make it an exceptional burden for the family.CASE REPORT:We reported a 17-year-old woman of a Karo descent who was admitted to Tiga Binanga Primary Health Center by her family due to frequent depressive mood, secluding herself, loss of interest, and frequent fatigue. The complaints persisted for about three weeks. The patient had a confirmed history of dissociative trance disorder known as trance or kesurupan in the local language. This condition is often linked to the local cultural tradition of Nini Pagar performed by the patient. There was neither a history of delusional thoughts, illusions, nor hallucinations. However, the eidetic image was evident.CONCLUSION:Nini Pagar, in this case, induces trans dissociative disorder and feature of this post dissociative trance disorder is moderate depression. We found that the eidetic image with sensorium is clear (compos mentis). Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy were helping.

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