
Mating produces profound changes in the behavior of female flies, such as an increase in oviposition, reduction in sexual receptivity, increase in feeding, and even excretion. Many of these changes are produced by copulation, sperm, and accessory gland products that males transfer to females during mating. Our knowledge on the function of the male ejaculate and its effect on female insects is still incipient. In this article, we review peri- and postcopulatory behaviors in tephritid flies. We address the effects of male copulatory behavior; copula duration; and the male ejaculate, sperm, and accessory gland products on female remating behavior. Many species from these families are pests of economic importance; thus, understanding male mating effects on female behavior contributes to both developing more effective environmentally friendly control methods and furthering our understanding of evolutionary implications of intersexual competition and sexual conflict.

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