
This paper makes an attempt at investigating the dialectics involved in the politics of resistance against Imperialism in Africa. The paper uses the Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s novel, Wizard of the Crow as its textual reference. It is pertinent to note that many African writers have written on the dialectics that has propelled the continent forward or otherwise but none has actually captured the kind of resistance to neo-colonialism like the writer used for this research analysis. The paper looks at the reasons that have conditioned African countries to remain under-developed despite the promises at independence. It also looks at both the internal and external intricacies that have been at play in the struggle for the soul of post-independence Africa. The paper opines that writers in Africa should use their writings to awake the consciousness of the masses to the reality of their circumstances and to develop mechanisms to arrest them. The paper goes further to recommend serious resistance measures against the enemies of the people which are largely members of the political class who have collaborated with the West to continue the pauperization of the African masses. The paper concludes that Africa countries should stop the over reliance on the West for aids and focus on the real development needs of their people.

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