
Abstract The postcollisional tectonic development of northeast Mozambique and subsequent cooling from high-temperature metamorphism is delineated with an extensive new set of U-Pb titanite, 40Ar/39Ar hornblende, and 40Ar/39Ar mica analyses. The complex data suggest a polyphase metamorphic history from the late Neoproterozoic to the Ordovician within the East African–Antarctic Orogen (EAAO), with marked differences between the major constituent blocks. In all the data sets, samples from the basement south of the Lurio Belt show generally younger ages than those from the north, resulting from a late metamorphic event and slow cooling between ca. 520 and 440 Ma. The ages north and south of the Lurio Belt are consistently offset by ca. 30–70 Ma, a difference that is maintained and even appears to increase during cooling from very high temperatures to ca. 350°C. Based on the first-order assumption that all the ages are cooling ages, cooling rates in the south are estimated at ca. 7°–8°C/Ma, while those north o...

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