
In digital joint defects, reconstruction is meant to obtain a stable, mobile and pain-free finger. Six patients aged 29 years in average (15–46) and who were prospectively followed-up presented with digital joint defects that affected at least half of either the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint or the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint. These defects were treated in emergency (four cases) or scheduled for an autograft of costal cartilage harvested from the ninth rib. Four digits showed lesions of the extensor system which were repaired. One digit grafted after complete amputation was no more vascularized. All patients were reviewed and prospectively followed-up by the surgeons and were also reviewed by an independent operator 16.1 months post-surgery in average (9–25). No infection occurred. None of the grafted fingers had to undergo arthrodesis or secondary amputation. One case of type 1 complex regional pain syndrome occurred. No functional or aesthetic complaint was reported, and no complication was observed at the donor site. The mean arc of motion was 33° (20–50) for the PIP joint and 37° (30–40) for the MCP joint. Mean total active motion (TAM) was 191° (160–250°), whichever the injured finger, i.e. 79.1% compared with the contralateral finger. The Buck-Gramko score averaged 11/15 (8–15). The Strickland score (interphalangeal TAM) was 57.8%, which corresponds to a medium result. The quick DASH assessment averaged 17.42 (0–47.72). Even if arthrodesis or amputation remain the conventional option in case of joint defect, prosthesis or cartilage grafting constitute solutions that allow the preservation of a functional painless finger.

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