
NF1 is a family of polypeptides that binds to discrete DNA motifs and plays varying roles in the regulation of gene expression. These polypeptides are also thought to mediate the expression of differentiation-specific markers such as adipocyte and mammary cell type-specific genes. The expression of a number of cellular differentiation-specific markers is down-regulated during neoplastic transformation. We therefore investigated whether oncogenic transformation interferes with the action of NF1. Stable transfection of activated Ha-ras into a number of murine cells correlated with a down-regulation of the expression of the NF1 genes NF1/CTF and NF1/X. The down-regulation was not at the transcriptional level but at the level of stability of the NF1 mRNAs. The level of the DNA binding activity of the NF1 proteins was also reduced in Ha-v-ras-transformed cells, and the expression of a gene that depends on this family of transcription factors was specifically repressed. These results demonstrate that an activated Ha-ras-induced pathway destabilizes the half-life of mRNAs encoding specific members in the NF1 family of transcription factors, which leads to a decrease in NF1-dependent gene expression.

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