
Aim. The paper aims to develop and put into practice a set of special exercises that influence post-load recovery for increasing the efficiency of physical activities of young people in the Kola polar region. Materials and methods. 250 males aged from 16 to 17 years participated in the study. The research data consisted of the results of standard Ready for labor and defense (GTO) exercises. After lessons, all participants performed a set of activities that influenced body and psychophysical recovery. Results. A dynamic study shows that a set of recovery activities of a different profile that includes exercises aimed at muscle tone regulation, relaxation through obstacle overcoming (including those related to the Kola polar region), modeling difficulties, mood improvement, and motivation for success affects positively speed, strength, endurance, static and dynamic balance indicators if applied 3–4 hours after physical activity. The results of standard Ready for labor and defense (GTO) exercises improved significantly. Conclusion. A proposed set of recovery activities enhances the athletic achievements of young people in the Kola polar region.

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