
The thermal hydraulic and SFD (Severe Fuel Damage) best estimate computer modeling code SOCRAT/V3 was used for the post-test analysis of the QUENCH-17 experiment performed at KIT on January 2013. The objective of this test was to examine the formation of a debris bed inside the completely oxidized region of the bundle without melt formation and to investigate the coolability behavior during the reflood. The test bundle for QUENCH-17 test was intentionally changed in comparison to basic QUENCH bundles (usually 21 heated rod simulators) with the emphasis to investigate debris behavior phenomena. Only 12 periphery fuel rod simulators were heated by centerline tungsten heaters. 9 unheated fuel rod simulators were located in the inner part of the test bundle. This is why the massive porous debris formation in the inner part of the bundle was not influenced by the presence of tungsten heaters.The QUENCH-17 test conditions simulated a hypothetical scenario of nuclear power plant severe accident sequence with debris bed formation in which the overheated up to 1800K core would be flooded from the bottom by ECCS (Emergency Core Cooling System). The QUENCH-17 test included the following phases: (1) heat-up phase (heat-up rate up to 0.25K/s); (2) oxidation phase (the cladding temperature about 1800K in hottest region, steam mass flow rate 2g/s); (3) bottom flood phase (characteristic cooling time about 600s, water mass flow rate 10g/s).SOCRAT/V3 computer modeling code was used for calculation of basic thermal hydraulic, oxidation and thermal mechanical behavior during all phases of the experiment. The calculated results are in a good agreement with experimental data which justifies the adequacy of modeling capabilities of SOCRAT code system.

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