
AbstractIn this study employing data from the Swarm satellites at an altitude of ≈500 km, we present evidence of field‐line resonances (FLRs) in the Pc2‐3 (0.02–0.2 Hz) frequency band in the undisturbed post‐sunset region of the equatorial ionosphere. We identify 26 events extending to magnetic latitudes as low as 2°, which was previously thought to be too low for FLRs to exist due to ionospheric damping. Identification of FLRs is supported by a narrow‐band fundamental and first harmonics, an oscillating field‐aligned Poynting vector, a relative phase shift between E and δB of ≈90°, and in one case observation of one wave in conjugate hemispheres by two satellites separated by 4 min. We show that, contrary to the non‐uniform trend of ground‐based observations, the fundamental frequencies of these occurrences decline monotonically with increasing field‐line length. Their frequencies differ from those of ground‐based magnetometer observations reported in the literature.

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