
AbstractSeismic inversion, a nonlinear, non-unique-solution, and human-prone error problem, seeks the optimal solution in multivariate space, a task that AI algorithms perform better. So, inversion with AI becomes appropriate to extract information from post-stack data. A probabilistic neural network (PNN) and deep feedforward neural network (DFNN) inverted seismic data using multiattributes, and their results were compared with those provided by a model-based inversion (MBI). Applied to a post-stack volume of the Frontier Formation at the Teapot-Dome field, Wyoming-USA, the three methods provided porosity volumes (ϕ), gamma rays (GR), and Lamé impedances (µρ, λρ). The comparison between well-logs and the provided volumes revealed a reliable PNN prediction, while DFNN achieved the best geologically correlated parameter sections and a less reliable MBI prediction. The geomorphological time-slice analysis discriminated high ϕ-µρ areas and low GR–λρ areas, geologically interpreted as a deltaic environment, with distributary channels and beachfront lobes subject to the action of the tides, which agrees with the well-log interpretation and the basin geological evolution. The results enhanced the stacked section’s importance by the geological information contained, which would contribute to reducing the prospecting risk. Finally, PNN and DFNN encouraging results reaffirm their best searching-in-multivariate space ability.

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