
Objectives: To Analyze and compare the effect of oral vs parenteral iron therapyon various hematological parameters in women suffering from post-partum iron deficiencyanemia. Study Design: Comparative, randomized and prospective study. Setting: Departmentof Pharmacology, HCMD, HU in collaboration with the Dept of Obs/Gynae, JPMC Karachi.Period: January to December 2015. Subjects and Methods: 40 patients divided in two groupsA and B of 20 each. Group A received oral iron (Tab Iberet 525 mg once daily) for a period of 3months while group B was treated with intravenous iron sucrose complex (Inj Venofer 100mg/Amp) the total no of doses were calculated according to Hemoglobin deficit. Hemoglobin,Hematocrit and MCV were observed at day 0, 45 and 90 of the treatment. Results: Group Ashows a mean increase of 25.85% at day 90th of the treatment in comparison to this group Bshows a much better result with a mean increase of 36.71% in Hemoglobin conc. At the end of12 weeks therapy. Conclusion: Parenteral iron therapy was found to be an effective means oftreatment in patients with postpartum iron deficiency anemia.

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