
Neoclassical economics theory which resulted in a marginalist revolution is in a position to dominate in economics education and economics studies being of American capitalism. Philosophical and ideological acceptances of the main stream economics have taken its effect up to Nobel Economics Prizes from policies of The World Bank and The International Monetary Fund. The main stream economics in economic education field teaches as dictate itself ideological and philosophical theories. Therefore the main stream economics has isolated through  economics social sciences like schools of economic thought, history, political sciences, sociology, psychology. Within this scope, pluralism problem and theory remote from real life, increasing mathematics use in economics has led to the rise in ciriticism against the main stream economics. This ciriticism became organized with Post Autistic Economics Movement as a result of a notice prepared by students in France in 2000. The movement criticized diversely the main stream economics and has been expanded to world. The movement has been thought up to country that it showed up from title used. This study has been mentioned from Neoclassical economics theory, criticism against Neoclassical economics, Post Autistic Economics Movement, policies of The IMF and The World Bank, Nobel Economics Prizes. In this study has also been mentioned from inequality, inequality in income distribution that the main stream economics took place with policies The IMF and The World Bank. In study has been dwelt on that mathematics became an aim for economics.

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