
1. Sheep-, rabbit- and ox-muscle minces prepared soon after slaughter were diluted with 1 vol. of 0.16 m-potassium chloride in the absence (potassium chloride mince) and presence of added cofactor or glycolysable substrate, and the effects on the ultimate pH were examined. 2. Changes in the concentrations of glycogen and lactate and the concentrations of some phosphorus-containing fractions were determined in ox-muscle preparations. 3. Glycolysis ceased at appreciably higher pH in the potassium chloride mince than in undiluted mince. The inclusion of glycogen, ATP, ADP, NAD or magnesium chloride in the diluent had little effect on the ultimate pH of the diluted mince. 4. Lactic acid production continued at lower pH values in diluted mince containing added glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 1,6-diphosphate or glucose plus hexokinase than in potassium chloride mince. 5. The evidence points to failure of the phosphorylase step being responsible for the dilution effect.

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