
Abstract Introduction The purpose of this study was to assess occurrence of fluid stasis in the sinus, trachea and mainstem bronchi on PMCT. Materials and methods Patients were collected from different groups, two adult and two paediatric groups. Patients who died from drowning or evident trauma to head and neck were excluded. Results Adults Two-hundred-and-one PMCT scans, 118 (59%) males and 83 (41%) females. Age was known for 185/201 subjects (92%), median was 79 years (IQR 66–85 years). The frontal sinus contained fluid in 13/194 (7%), the left maxillary sinus contained fluid in 31/198 (16%), the right in 42/198 (21%). In 19/201 (9%) fluid was present in the trachea at the level of the subglottis, in 37/201 (18%) at the midlevel, 72/201 (36%) at the carina, 91/201 (45%) at the left and in 82/201 (41%) at the right mainstem bronchus. Children Seventy-seven PMCT scans, 42 (55%) boys and 35 (45%) girls. median age was 0.5 years (IQR 3 months–6 years). The frontal sinus contained fluid in 3/76 (4%), the left maxillary sinus in 14/52 (27%), the right in 13/52 (25%), in 18/77 (24%) fluid was present in the trachea at the subglottic level, in 32/77 (42%) at the midlevel, in 36/77 (47%) at the level of the carina, in 34/77 (44%) at the left and in 37/77 (48%) at the right main stem bronchus. Conclusion The presence of fluid in the sinuses, trachea and/or mainstem bronchi Is common in non-drowning cases and Is a normal finding in PMCT.

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