
The phenomenon known as strong thermal emission velocity enhancement (STEVE) is a purple/mauve arc-shaped atmospheric glow observed at lower latitudes of the auroral oval on the duskside. Simultaneous observations using a ground-based camera and a low-altitude satellite have shown that STEVE is accompanied by rapid westward ion flows. Such fast ion flows are termed the subauroral ion drift (SAID) or subauroral polarization stream (SAPS). Similarly, an eastward fast ion flow known as the dawnside auroral polarization stream (DAPS) is observed within the Region 1 current on the dawnside. If the optical phenomenon triggered by SAID/SAPS corresponds to STEVE, a comparable optical phenomenon should be driven by DAPS. Thus far, however, such a phenomenon has not been reported. This study discovers, for the first time, a purple-colored optical phenomenon characterized by the fast eastward ion flows, a possible signature of DAPS, occurring poleward of the bright green arc in the post-midnight sector. We present color all-sky images obtained by a ground-based commercial digital camera, along with wide-coverage optical measurements and in-situ data from low-altitude satellites. The results imply that this glow requires not only a high-speed ion flow but also its sharp latitudinal gradient at the boundary between the Region 1 and 2.Graphical

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