
Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI) is an activity carried out in an effort to overcome diphtheria outbreaks. Post Immunization Follow-up Events (KIPI) are medical events related to immunization. Diphtheria is an acute upper respiratory tract disease that is highly contagious but can be prevented by administering the DPT vaccine. The purpose of this study is to describe the profile of diphtheria cases in the East Java province. The design of this study used a descriptive research design with a case report design. Data obtained based on case reports of KIPI diphtheria ORI reported by KIPI surveillance officers from 38 regencies of East Java in 2018. Based on subjects who experienced KIPI cases as many as 2007 cases, the most age who experienced KIPI after being given diphtheria immunization was Age <5 year (59.2%) with female sex (52.6%). While the symptoms most often experienced after DPT immunization were heat (45.2%), fever and swelling injection location (17.7%), swelling (8.9%), dizziness (5.5%) and mutation and fever (5.2%). The need for coordination between health workers is still needed so that they can take appropriate action if the baby or toddler experiences a KIPI reaction.

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