
This yearmarked the five-year Review of the 1994 Intemational Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. This review allowed a refocusing of effort within the broader context of the Cairo Programme of Action. It revealed progress in some areas, but also some serious gaps. The international community has not provided effective leadership on some of the toughest health problems, norhave national governments taken on sensitive issues. The review indicated that governments must find ways to promote sexual and reproductive health within health sector reform and work more effectively with NGOs. It also highlighted the need to use existing knowledge to tackle the epidemic ofHIV/AIDS, young people's sexual and reproductive health problems, maternal mortality and morbidity, and unsafe abortion. Work on these issues requires leadership and coordination at national level, along with well coordinated international support for governments willing to take on these controversial topics. ICPD+5 will only have been worthwhile if the recommendations are sufficiently resourced and supported by action in a range of social sectors.

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