
This study examines the role of community elites in reconciliation of social conflicts based on restorative justice to achieve mutual understanding of how to get out of "pseudo-harmony" as an alternative to social conflict resolution in Sigi Regency. Research is a type of descriptive qualitative research using a case study approach. Data collection was carried out through in situ observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique uses univariate and bivariate analysis techniques, while checking the validity of the data uses triangaulation theory. The results showed that social conflict reconciliation based on restorative justice, is very effective in changing people's mindsets about conflict transformation from pseudo-harmony to eternal harmony as a form of transformation of the ethos of peace. In the perspective of Islamic education, social integration strengthens if the reality of the social life of society is far from the low-trust society, so that a collective life process attitude is born to live in peace and work together. In that way, the pseudo-harmony resulting from the peace agreement changed to eternal harmony as a result of peace awareness, ushering in the people in Sigi district to play a strategic role of individual participation and social obligations in one moment of peace.

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