
AbstractGlaciers and frozen‐debris landforms have coexisted and episodically or continuously interacted throughout the Holocene at elevations where the climate conditions are cold enough for permafrost to occur. In the European Alps, the Little Ice Age (LIA) characterized the apogee of the last interaction phase. In areas of consecutive post‐LIA glacier shrinkage, the geomorphological dominant conditioning of the ongoing paraglacial phase may have transitioned from glacial to periglacial and later even shifted to post‐periglacial. Such transitions can be observed through the morphodynamics of glacitectonized frozen landforms (GFLs), which are permafrost‐related pre‐existing frozen masses of debris deformed (tectonized) by the pressure exerted by an interacting glacier. This contribution aims at evidencing the processes driving the ongoing morphodynamical evolution of an actively back‐creeping GFL within the LIA forefield of the Aget glacier on the basis of long‐term time series of ground surface temperature, and in‐situ geodetic and geoelectrical measurements. Our observations for the last two decades (1998–2020), which have been the warmest since the LIA, reveal a resistivity decrease in the permafrost body and a surface subsidence of up to a few centimeters per year. The former indicate a liquid water‐to‐ice content ratio increase within the permafrost body and the latter a ground ice melt at the permafrost table, both processes having taken place heterogeneously at the scale of the landform. The absence of acceleration of landform motion during that period despite a probable warming trend of the frozen ground may indicate that the ongoing degradation is reaching a tipping point at which processes related to interparticle friction and thinning of the permafrost body contribute to gradually inactivate the mechanism of permafrost creep.

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