
Since the 1990s, with rapid economic development and urbanization occurring in many countries, the amount of construction and demolition waste (CDW) has also increased. Landfills have become the most commonly used method of disposing of CDW. The safety of landfill slopes is very important. On December 20, 2015, a catastrophic landslide occurred in Shenzhen, Guangdong, Southeastern China. Seventy-seven people were killed, and 33 buildings were buried or damaged. In this paper, the Shenzhen 12.20 landslide is used as an example, and the characteristics of the landfill landslide’s post-failure behavior are studied. The following conclusions are made: (1) According to our field investigations, the landslide’s motion can be divided into the source area, the propagation area, and the accumulation area. During post-failure motion, loose saturated spoil, which experiences motion similar to that of a slurry flow, and water are the critical factors that cause slope failure and result in a long runout slide. (2) The DAN3D analysis method can satisfactorily reproduce the motion of the Shenzhen “12.20” landslide. (3) A Frictional model can be used for the simulation analysis of the source area. In addition, the Bingham model can be used for the fluidization simulation analysis of the propagation and accumulation areas of a CDW landslide. These conclusions can be used for scientific analysis of CDW landfill landslide hazard zoning and early monitoring and warnings.

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