
AbstractThe variation during development in the following characters of Lithobills curtipes is described: body-length, head-length, ratio head-length/body-length and head-length/headwidth, number of coxal pores, ocelli, antennal articles and teeth on forcipular coxosternite, projections on tergites 9, 11 and 13, spinulation of the last pair of legs (DampP on all legs), accessory apical claws on the 15th pair of legs, genitalia and male secondary sex character. Also the difference between male and female and the correlation with size within each post-larval stadium are given. The boundary between juvenile and adult stadia, the number of post-larval stadia and some geographical variation concerning Swedish and German material are dicussed. Useful characters for identifying L. curtipes and L. crassipes are also discussed.

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