
An evaluation of post-craniotomy analgesia within the University Hospital of Wales Neurosurgical Unit, Cardiff, found that many patients were experiencing moderate to severe pain post-craniotomy. It was therefore decided to undertake a nationwide survey of analgesic practices in order to establish best practice guidelines and benchmark with other units. A postal questionnaire was sent to the senior nurse of every Neurosurgical Directorate within the UK inquiring about the current, standard analgesic practices for post-craniotomy patients in their unit. Completed replies were received from 23 of the 33 centres (70%). Intramuscular (i.m.) codeine phosphate was found to be the principal first-line analgesic used post-craniotomy. Only three centres used morphine as the first-line analgesic and only one centre used patient controlled analgesia routinely. The majority of centres (82%) used balanced analgesia. Pain assessments were only carried out in 57% of centres and no centre used a validated pain assessment tool specifically for dysphasic patients. Codeine phosphate continues to be the mainstay of post-craniotomy analgesia, however, it is proposed that patient controlled analgesia with morphine is an efficacious and safe alternative.

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