
The prevalence of long-/post-COVID-associated chemosensory symptoms is reported in the literature to be significantly higher than clinical reality reflects. 1. N= 4062 adults acutely infected with SARS-CoV-2 and their symptoms transmitted by the Jena health office to the Robert Koch Institute between March 2020 and September 2021 were evaluated. 2. Part of the same cohort (N = 909 of 4062) answered an extensive questionnaire at least 3 months after the start of the infection, including existing chemosensory post-COVID-associated complaints. 3. Fourteen post-COVID Jena patients with chemosensory symptoms who had become acutely infected during the same period were diagnosed, treated and advised in our ENT specialist outpatient clinic. The prevalence of chemosensory symptoms at the onset of infection was 19% (600/3187). About every second written respondent of the formerly acutely infected (441/890) remembered chemosensory symptoms during their COVID-19 infection. Of these, around 38% (167/441) complained of persistent chemosensory post-COVID symptoms after an average of 14.5 months. Only 2.3% (14/600) of the previously acutely infected patients with chemosensory symptoms sought medical help in a special consultation. Quantitative chemosensory damage could only be objectified in half, i.e. 1.2% (7/600) of the total cohort. Despite a high prevalence of subjective chemosensory symptoms in acutely and formerly SARS-CoV-2 infected people, there is only a low need for specialized treatment, so that, unlike other post-COVID-associated complaints, the healthcare system as a whole appears to be less significantly burdened.

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