
The ways of further transformation of the existing energy market in Ukraine under the conditions of biosphere compatibility are analyzed. The use of renewable energy sources is one of the most important directions of modern energy policy, aimed both at improving the state of the environment and at saving traditional fuel and energy resources. Adopted legislative and regulatory acts contributed to the rapid growth of "green" energy in Ukraine. Currently, the uncontrolled construction and commissioning of exclusively solar power plants at rates that are ahead of planned indicators have caused a threat to the energy security of our state. At the same time, other types of renewable sources, which in the vast majority can be used to balance the energy market, are underdeveloped. Waste from agricultural production, solid household waste landfills under certain conditions can be transformed from sources of environmental pollution into renewable energy sources with biogas generation. Its main components are methane and carbon dioxide. One of the promising ways to increase the efficiency of fuel use can be the synthesis of methane from hydrogen, which is obtained with the use of electricity from alternative sources, and carbon dioxide, which is formed during the production of biomethane. In this way, a complex problem is solved - the simultaneous loading of nuclear power plant units, the use of excess electricity from wind and solar power plants with a decrease in the balancing capacities of thermal generation. The meaning of the ecological and energy optimization process is not to replace one energy source with another, but economic and industrial transformation, decarbonization and decentralization. To solve these problems, measures are proposed to improve the requirements of the regulatory and legislative acts in force in Ukraine on the regulation of the state's energy sector by introducing greater competition, European technical standards and transparent regulatory rules, a better investment climate in the domestic market.

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