
ABSTRACT A multi-client 2-D seismic survey, consisting of 6,770 line-kilometer of 2-D data, was acquired by Norway’s PGS Geophysical offshore Cyprus in 2006. It was followed in 2006 and 2007 by the acquisition of two 3-D surveys, located offshore Lebanon (1,500 square kilometers), and offshore Lebanon and Cyprus (1,300 square kilometers). Further, in 2008 an additional 2-D survey was acquired offshore Cyprus to fill in the existing 2006 seismic 2-D grid. The 2008 2-D survey consist of 6,500 line-kilometer and was acquired with the PGS dual sensor GeoStreamer® technology (The 2008 2D data is still being processed so no GeoStreamer® examples are shown in this article). Since 2007, some of the deep-water areas (1,500–2,000 meters deep) offshore Cyprus have been offered for exploration and producing bid licenses by the government, while the Lebanese government is in the stage of preparing its offshore region for exploration and licensing. In this paper, several representative seismic lines are shown to illustrate the quality of the seismic data over this large region. The data shows that a Pliocene to Recent succession overlies a thick Upper Miocene evaporite section, known as the Messinian Salt. The blanketing salt-dominated interval is up to one kilometer thick and provides a regional seal over the area; although some faults are known to penetrate the salt and may allow seepage to occur. The pre-Messinian Salt section is highly structured, with both horsts-and-grabens as well as large folds. In particular, several examples of seismic reflections are presented, which are interpreted as possible Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHI). Some four-way structural closures are highly prospective as they are characterized by multiple DHIs; for example, a bright spot at the base of the Messinian Salt overlying a flat spot. Other examples consist of phase changes, dim spots, velocity pull-downs, low-frequency shadow zones and gas chimneys. Also shown are how some of these interpreted DHIs can be characterized in the 3-D surveys. The 3-D example illustrate a correlation between pre-Messinian four-way structural closure and the root-mean square amplitude of the base Messinian Salt reflection.

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