
Abstract An ex-core neutron flux measurement is a crucial system for all common power reactors. It is necessary to monitor the neutron flux and control the chain reaction, therefore, the ex-core neutron flux measurement is one of the main safety and control systems. The main advantage of this arrangement of detectors is a fast response to neutron flux change, which determines the reactor power change. Regarding to the new reactor concepts, it is important to deal with improved detection systems suitable for these reactors. Many of the modern reactor concepts are based on a graphite moderator or reflector, which is also the case of the TEPLATOR. The TEPLATOR is a solution of a district heating system based on heavy water as a moderator and graphite as a reflector. The TEPLATOR is designed to use irradiated fuel from the commercial pressurized water reactor or boiling water reactor, which has low to intermediate burnup. This work is focused on the verification of the possible use of the special neutron measuring system placed in the graphite reflector. The Monte Carlo code serpent was used for the calculations performed in this work.

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