
A garnet websterite lens carrying pyroxene megacrysts with unmixing texture and a garnet clinopyroxenite lens are described from within the garnet peridotite body at Seefeld Aim, Ultimo valley, northern Italy. Texture, bulk rock and mineral chemical data suggest that the garnet pyroxenites resulted from exsolution and recrystallization from originally monomineralic pyroxenite that consisted of aluminous and subcalcic clinopyroxenes and small amount of probable silicate melt. From extremely high temperatures of crystallization, that is, > 1 450 °C as inferred from the pre-exsolution composition of the pyroxene megacrysts, it was suggested that the primary pyroxenes were igneous precipitates from a magma that had injected into a solid peridotite probably in the upper mande.

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