
The author discusses possible directions for the formation of a global international legal system for countering cybercrime and its further development. The results of the activities of international organizations in the development of international legal mechanisms for countering cybercrime are briefly analyzed. An attempt is being made to search for other international legal problems, the experience of solving which can act as a conceptual basis for the formation of a global international legal system for ensuring cybersecurity. The main characteristics of modern digital information and communication systems, especially Internet technologies, are investigated. An attempt is made to create a theoretical model of international legal regulation of countering modern digital threats based on the global nature of modern cyber threats. The special role of international organizations in the development of international law is stated. The opinion is given about the current global digital information system covering the entire international community. A parallel is drawn between the conceptual foundations of the problem of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) and cybercrime. The conceptual similarity of these two problems with the justification of such a conclusion is stated. In this regard, it is proposed to use the organizational structure of the international legal framework for countering ML/FT as a conceptual basis for a similar counteraction to cybercrime. In particular, the article proposes to create a specialized international organization within the framework of the UN, whose activities will be devoted to ensuring global cybersecurity. It is proposed to use organizational bases similar to those used within the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission on Financial Monitoring as the basis of activity. In particular, the organization's activities are proposed to be carried out on the basis of a list of recommendations on improving national organizational and legal measures to counter threats in the field of digital technologies, as well as mechanisms for mutual assessment of member states.

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